Sunday, August 31, 2008

First week of School

The first week of school has come and gone. I love my teachers and guess what they're all girls. I thought that I would get 1 man for a teacher. Any way I guess i'll have to deal. I am still playing the french horn. I'm in symphonic band and I have a new band teacher:( but its kool .

  1. My first period is math with Mrs. Bauer. I like her I think it is going to be a great year.
  2. My next period is English with Miss. Link. I like her, I think she is nice and all that stuff.
  3. Third period is band with Mrs. Rich. I personally think that she is mean .
  4. 4th period is Mrs. Dewey, and guess what her first name is Bambi!! I like her.
  5. 5th period is Mrs. Bayer in science. a old grumpy lady with mean personallite
  6. 6th is history with Mrs. Mcphee. I am probably the smartest kid in the whole class. sorry Ashley.

The BYU game was amazing. Byus offense was great, the defence not so good. We won of course. We always win. So that is all I have to say.


Miss said...

TYCE! you didnt add those songs yet! tsk-tssk. Im glad you like school. Mine has been great too. Im glad I dont have to deal with Mrs. Rich, she was going to have to be my choir teacher.


Ashley said...

Hey I just read this, and this was like last year! wow! But sorry i was the smartest person in that class!