Sunday, October 5, 2008

General confrence

This week I went to general conference I loved it. It was awsome. I went to priesthood session for the first time. I sat on the balcony in the first row. I pretended to throw the camera and my dads cell phone over the railing. it was preety funny. I loved it . I had a fun time with harrison. I especially liked elder uchtdorfs and president monsons talk.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

First week of School

The first week of school has come and gone. I love my teachers and guess what they're all girls. I thought that I would get 1 man for a teacher. Any way I guess i'll have to deal. I am still playing the french horn. I'm in symphonic band and I have a new band teacher:( but its kool .

  1. My first period is math with Mrs. Bauer. I like her I think it is going to be a great year.
  2. My next period is English with Miss. Link. I like her, I think she is nice and all that stuff.
  3. Third period is band with Mrs. Rich. I personally think that she is mean .
  4. 4th period is Mrs. Dewey, and guess what her first name is Bambi!! I like her.
  5. 5th period is Mrs. Bayer in science. a old grumpy lady with mean personallite
  6. 6th is history with Mrs. Mcphee. I am probably the smartest kid in the whole class. sorry Ashley.

The BYU game was amazing. Byus offense was great, the defence not so good. We won of course. We always win. So that is all I have to say.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Camp Kern

This week we went to Camp Kern with my dad and my scout troop. We had tons of fun. We shot shotguns and rifles and I did archery I did leatherwork with Dallin Kepart. We made wallets.
(which Dallin is working on here.)We did Enviormental science it was so hard. It took all week to finish. We also made a lanyard. Gonzalo was determined to catch a fish. He tried all week to catch a fish but he failed. Then on the last day we went on a canoe trip to an island we had lunch and we had an awsome time and then in the middle of the lake are boat got torpedoed. JK. We
capsised in the middle of the lake but luckily my scout master knew what to do. We got back to camp and we changed clothes and I fell asleep and the next day we left. I had a great time and I think every one else did too!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


today I went to Sue H. Morrow (my old school)and helped a teacher called Mrs.Eceles.I will tell you I have not had so much fun in my intire life. Well..... not in my intire life. I read with 1st graders, talked with teachers, made a book for a teacher ate lunch with 1st and 2nd graders(that said that they could beat me up:))and that is it i'm going to go in all summer and help so i think that it will be great

Saturday, June 21, 2008

sorry i have not written in a while I have been really busy. I will try to write more consistantly